Biblical Theological Seminary                                                                 Dr. Robert C. Newman

Homiletics Renewal Seminar 1984                                                         Prof. of New Testament

Preaching the Parables #1                                                                             Whatare Parables?


Meaning of the N.T. Word "Parabole"


            Broader than English word "parable"

            Includes proverb (Lk 4:23),paradox (Mk 7:17) as well as various types of illustrative story (see below)

            Probably partly due to influence of OT word"mashal"


Meaning of the O.T. Word "Mashal"


            General word for a comparative figure

            Includes proverb (1 Sam10:12; title of Proverbs), by‑word (Ps 44:14, 69:11), parable (Ezk 17:2,24:3), prophetic poem (Num 23:7), taunt‑song (Mic 2:4)


Types of Illustrative Stories CalledParables


            Similitude: common process oractivity which teaches lesson by comparison: e.g., Mustard Seed (Mk 4:30)

            Parable Proper: specificstory which teaches lesson by comparison: e.g., Tenant Farmers (Mt 21:33)

            Allegory: more artificialstory, with individual features independently figurative: e.g., Sower (Mt 13:18)

            Paradigm (IllustrativeParable): specific story which teaches by example rather than comparison: e.g.,Rich Fool (Lk 12:16)

            Acted Parable: teacherperforms a symbolic action, or a historical event has symbolic significance:e.g., Tabernacle Service (Heb 9:9); Abraham offering Isaac (Heb 11:19)


Uses of Parables


            To capture audience's attention by questions, involvement,surprise and suspense


            Tosneak by audience's defenses (2 Sam 12:1‑4; Lk 7:41‑43)


            To impress a lesson vividly on mind (Jer 19:10‑13;Lk 15:11‑32)


            To change one's way of looking at a situation (Mt3:10; Lk 15:11‑32)


            Tomystify opponents (Jn 2:18‑22; Mt 13:10ff)


            Toprovoke further thought (Mt 13:51‑52)



Biblical Theological Seminary                                                                    Dr. Robert C. Newman

Homiletics Renewal Seminar 1984                                                            Prof.of New Testament

Preaching the Parables #2                                                                  HowDo We Interpret Them?


By Observation Rather Than  by Fiat


Look at interpreted NT parables, comparewith rabbinic parables, look at OT background


A number of misconceptions about parablesarise from ignoring some facets of their use:

           (1) Earthly stories w/ heavenly meanings: truefor many, but not all parables; not for Laz & Rich Man (Lk 16:19‑31)and other Paradigms.

           (2) Parables intended to clarify: true formany, not all; must reject Mt 13:10ff to hold this.

           (3) Parables intended to mystify: alsounbalanced, tho true for some parables; c16 pars. precede Matt 13.

           (4) Parables make only one point: some do, somedon't; have to decide from details, context, etc.


Some Observations from O.T. Parables

            (1) May take form of realistic story (1 K 20:39‑40)or very contrived story (Ezk 17:3‑10).

            (2) Realistic story need not be historical (2 Sam12:1‑4).

            (3)Interpretation may be given or not, obvious or not:

                        given(Ezk 37:11); not given (Isa 28:24‑29)

                        obvious (Isa 20:2‑6); not obvious(Zech 5:5‑11)

            (4) Interp. may be simple & natural (Isa 5:1‑6)or peculiar & complex (Ezk 17:11‑21).

            (5) Parable may be spoken or acted.

            (6) Purpose may be to picturetruth vividly (1 K 11:29) or to sneak by hearer's moral defenses (2 Sam 12:1‑4).


Some Observations from RabbinicParables:

            (1) Parables varyconsiderably in complexity. In some only one basic idea, in others moredetailed analogy.  Latter esp. forallegories or for parables with natural fit between story andinterpretation.  Where nointerpretation given, study parable structure to see how detailed fit is likelyto be.

            (2) As oral teaching devicesof experienced instructors, parables of Jesus and rabbis don't wastewords.  Presumably all words usedeither for vividness or analogy.

            (3) Parables of Jesus andrabbis regularly make use of stock similes, mostly from OT background.  Should check for OT figurative usage ofelements in parables.

            (4) Parables also usefeatures of everyday life familiar to the original hearers.  As we now live in a very different culture,we may need to study the cultural elements to aid in interpreting them.

            (5) The formula "A islike B" which often introduces a parable is slightly ambiguous.  Though it often compares A and B, itmay compare A with the whole parable (12, 18, 19, 22, 23).




Biblical Theological Seminary                                                                 Dr. Robert C. Newman

Homiletics Renewal Seminar 1984                                                         Prof. of New Testament

Preaching the Parables #3                                                                  HowDo We Apply Them?


Explain Parable First; Then Apply It


            In addition to exhortation, asermon is also teaching, including teaching how to understand the Bible.

            We want to make congregationas self‑sufficient in Bible study as possible, not spoon‑feedingthem; therefore, they need to see where you got your lessons.

            If they see how applicationarises from parable, they may remember it next time they read parable, so they canapply it to selves or those they are helping.


Try to Recover Vividness & EmotionalImpact Parable Had for Original Audience


            This makes parable easier to remember and use.

            Use historical‑cultural information:

                        Pharisee& Publican: how were these viewed then?

                        ProdigalSon: impact of father running

                        TwoDebtors: explain relative size of debts

            Don't explain away intended peculiarities:

                        [surprise,etc., often main points]

                        Crookednessof steward and judge

                        King'scancellation of forgiveness

                        Ownersending son, tenants killing him


DonŐt Leave Congregation FeelingParable Has No Application to Their Own Situation


            Since audience different, try to figure out propergeneralization.

                        Crookedbusiness manager: even unbelievers have sense enough to take action when theysee they're going to lose all; do you?

                        Sower:Gospel will receive different responses; which response are you making?

                        TenVirgins: will Lord's delay be too long for you?

                        TwoDebtors: have you really been forgiven? does your life show it?

                        VineyardWorkers: is God unjust in not giving you what others have?

                        Tares:no perfect world, no perfect church till Christ returns; are you wheat or weed?