Biblical Theological Seminary                                                                        RobertC. Newman

12th Theological Institute                                                                                           June8, 1983

The Christian & the Bible                           




I. How Do We Know We Have the RightBooks in the Bible?


            A.How do we know anything?

                        Experience‑ using own resources

                        Authority‑ dependence on others


            B.How do we know God has revealed Himself in the Bible?


                        Evidencefrom General Revelation


                        Evidencefrom Special Revelation

                                    Preknowledge,Prophecy, Jesus

                        Evidencefrom Redemption

                                    Changedlives, Changed societies


            C.What does God tell us about Himself?

                        Intentionto communicate with man (Gen 12; Ex 3; John 1)

                        Powerto carry out His intentions (Ex 4:11; Ps 19:7ff)


            D.What does God tell us about the Old Testament?

                        Givenby revelation and/or inspiration thru prophet

                                    (Ex4:10‑12; Deut 18:18; Ps 119:97‑100)

                        Testsfor recognition of prophet (Deut 13:1ff; 18:20ff)

                        Warningsabout tampering (Deut 4:1‑2; Prov 30:5‑6)

                        Christ'sacceptance of (O.T.) Scripture

                                    (Matt4:4,7,10; 5:17‑19; 7:23; 12:38‑42; 26:64; Lk 24:25; see Wenham)


            E.What does God tell us about the New Testament?

                        Christ'sappointment of apostles (Mk 3:14ff; Jn 14:25‑26; 16:12‑13)

                        Implicationsof O.T. example


II. How Did these Books Come to Be OurStandard of Faith & Obedience?


            A.Process of O.T. Recognition

                        Pentateuchcanonical when written (Deut 31:24‑26; see Kline)

                        Prophetsrecognized at or soon after ministry (1 Kings 22:25,28; Jer 28:915‑17;Ezk 2:5)

                        Don'tknow details for all books

                        Consensusreached before time of Christ (see Newman)


            B.Process of N.T. Recognition

                        N.T.itself recognizes N.T. Scripture (2 P 3:15‑16; 1 Tim 5:18; Jude 17‑18)

                        ApostolicFathers recognize N.T. Scripture (1 Clem 47 re/ 1 Cor; Poly 12 re/ Eph 4:26;Barn 4 re/ Mt 22:14)

                        Consensusreached in 4th cen (w/in century of end of persecution)





Geisler, NormanL. and Nix, William E.  A GeneralIntroduction to the Bible.  Chicago: Moody, 1968.

Kline, MeredithL.  The Structure of BiblicalAuthority.  Rev. ed. Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1975.

Newman, RobertC. "The Council of Jamnia and the Old Testament Canon." WestminsterTheological Journal 38(1976): 319‑49.  Reprinted asIBRI Research Report #13.

Wenham, John W.  Christ and the Bible.  DownersGrove: InterVarsity, 1972.