BiblicalTheological Seminary

ST777 Seminar:Attacks on Christianity

Dr. Robert C.Newman


                                                           IDonŐt Need Religion



This responsecould be given by people for any of a wide variety of reasons.

Thushelpful to probe deeper to find out why person thinks religion not needed.

Before doing so, however, should considera rather common response by Xns which seems to me rather weak:


A BadResponse:  Christianity isn't areligion.


"Christianityis not a religion.  Religion is mantrying to reach up to God, whereas Xy is God reaching down to man."


Thisemphasis on grace vs works is certainly Biblical, but the claims made here ofwhat religion is, and that Xy isn't religion, are mistaken.


            ADictionary Definition of "religion"

[Webster'sNew World Dict of American Language(1955)]


            1.belief in a divine orsupernatural power or powers to be obeyed & worshiped as the creator(s)& ruler(s) of the universe.


            2.expression of thisbelief in conduct & ritual.


            3.a) any specific systemof belief, worship, conduct, etc., often involving a code of ethics & aphilosophy: as the Xn religion, the Buddhist religion, etc.

                b) loosely, any system of beliefs, practices,ethical values, etc., resembling, suggestive of, or likened to such a system:as humanism is his religion.


            4.a state of mind or wayof life expressing lovefor and trust in God, and one's will & effort to act according to the willof God, esp. within a monastic order or community: as, he achieved religion.


            5.any object of conscientious regard & pursuit: as, cleanli­ness was a religion tohim.


            6.[obsolete] a) the practiceof religious observances or rites; b) pl. religious rites.


            Certainlymeanings 1, 2, 3a and 4 fit Christianity.



The BiblicalUsage of "religion"

Agreesmore or less with dictionary definitions 1-4

Wordis used generically, both favorably and negatively


            InKJV, used only in NT, to translate qrhsko,j and qrhskei,a (and inparaphrases of Ioudaismoj)

Acts26:5 - of Paul's Judaism (Gal 1:13-14 same) (negative?)

                        James1:26-27 - not religious if tongue not under control; pure religion acceptableto God is concern forwidows & orphans, keeping self unpolluted by world. (positive)


InOT Greek versions, use of qrhskei,a, etc.

            LXXonly in Apocrypha:

            Wisd11:15 - worship of reptiles (-)

            Wisd14:16,18,27 - worship of idols (-)

            4Macc 5:6,13 - OT observances (+)

            Symmachushas uses in Canonical OT:

            Jer3:19 - following God (+)

                                    Ezk20:6,15 - reads last clause as "which will be the [place of?] worship ofall the lands" (+)

            Dan2:46 - Nebuchadnezzar worshiping Daniel (-)


           Whilewe want to distinguish Xy from false religions, using a bad definition of"religion" is not the way to do it.


A Better Response:  Why don't you think you need religion?


            Mayprovide input for further discussion, if person willing to continue.

            Somepossible responses the person might give:

            Religion/Christianityis just a crutch.

            Religionis not important.

            Thereis no God.

            Iam not the religious type.

                        Idon't need organized religion.  Ican worship God just as well in my own way on the golf course.

            Idon't need Jesus, forgiveness, etc.


VariousResponses Based on PersonŐs Answer:


Thereis no God: 

Giveevidences for existence of God


Religionis not important: 

Ifthere is a God, it may well be.

Howdo you know it is notimportant?


Iam not the religious type: 

Whatis "the religious type"?

Iknow all sorts of people who are Christians.

Thismay draw a response re/ what person means by "religious."


Religion/Christianityis just a crutch: 

Just a crutch?  Christianity claims to be much more. 

Evenif it is a "crutch," how do you know you are not "crippled"?


Idon't need organized religion, etc.: 

Doyou really love God with all your heart, mind and soul on the golf course? 

                        Ifyou think so, why do you ignore GodŐs command to meet together with otherworshipers (Heb 10:25)?


Idon't need Jesus, forgiveness, etc.: 

Givemessage of Bible together with evidences for its being the Word of God.